This article was created as a guide to show a fast way to get one of each commodity for the purpose of doing a price check run at tradeports. Legal Only Data Version: 3.17.0 LIVE - Illicit Goods are identified with Iitalics
Cellin - Gallete Family Farms Distilled Spirits Processsed Foods Revenant Tree Pollen Waste
Cellin - Hickes Research Outpost Agricultural Supplies Medical Supplies Stims Waste
Cellin - Tram & Myers Mining Aluminum Corundum Diamond Laranite Titanium Waste
Daymar - Kudre Ore Agricium Beryl Gold Quartz Tungsten Waste
Yela - ArcCorp Mining 157 Astatine Clorine Fluorine Hydrogen Iodine Waste
Port Olisar - Refuel for Start of Updates Scrap