
Best Buy Best Sell
Agricium 21.74 26.88
Agricium (Ore) 0 14.3
Aluminum 2.43 3.37
Aluminum (Ore) 0 0.66
Borase 0 36.32
Borase (Ore) 0 17.6
Copper 2.87 4.07
Copper (Ore) 0 3.08
Gold 58.99 75.33
Gold (Ore) 0 3.13
Iron 3.04 4.06
Iron (Ore) 0 1.53
Titanium 3.62 5.06
Titanium (Ore) 0 4.4
Tungsten 3.22 4.3
Tungsten (Ore) 0 2.09
Agricultural Supply
Best Buy Best Sell
Agricultural Supplies 0.96 1.24
Ranta Dung 0 44
Best Buy Best Sell
Altruciatoxin 42.5 56.25
Distilled Spirits 4.06 5.66
E'tam 85 115
Gasping Weevil Eggs 0 112.5
Maze 0 90
Neon 7 90
Osoian Hides 0 440
Revenant Tree Pollen 1.32 1.68
SLAM 120 168.75
Stims 2.8 3.85
WiDow 101.01 136.12
Best Buy Best Sell
Amioshi Plague 0 13.19
Degnous Root 11.61 15.21
Golden Medmons 0 19.78
Heart of the Woods 0 22.99
Jumping Limes 0 0
Pitambu 0 16.49
Prota 0 13.79
Revenant Pods 0 16.87
Sunset Berries 0 14.93
Best Buy Best Sell
Aphorite 152.5 152.5
Beryl 22.16 28.15
Beryl (Raw) 0 2.31
Bexalite 0 79.81
Bexalite (Raw) 0 22
Corundum 2.89 3.88
Corundum (Raw) 0 1.38
Diamond 38.08 43.02
Diamond (Raw) 0 3.63
Dolivine 130 130
Hadanite 275 275
Hephaestanite 23.05 27.98
Hephaestanite (Raw) 0 7.92
Janalite 0 176.75
Laranite 23.08 29.23
Laranite (Raw) 0 15.4
Quantainium 0 251.52
Quantainium (Raw) 0 44
Quartz 2.84 4.15
Quartz (Raw) 0 0.77
Taranite 0 78.39
Taranite (Raw) 0 17.6
Best Buy Best Sell
Astatine 7 9
Chlorine 1.3 1.7
Fluorine 2.31 2.95
Helium 2.04 2.74
Hydrogen 1.08 1.87
Iodine 0.35 0.44
Consumer Goods
Best Buy Best Sell
Audio Visual Equipment 0 251.87
Construction Materials 0 60.9
Kopion Horn 0 275
Luminalia Gift Box 0 50
Marok Gem 0 385
Party Favors 0 13.96
Red Festival Envelope 0 50
Souvenirs 0 10.75
Year of the Dog Envelope 0 50
Best Buy Best Sell
Compboard 22.5 22.5
Scrap 1.36 1.91
Mixed Mining
Best Buy Best Sell
Inert Materials 0 0.02
Medical Supply
Best Buy Best Sell
Medical Supplies 15.5 19.35
Best Buy Best Sell
Processed Food 1.38 2.13
Recycled Material Composite
Best Buy Best Sell
Recycled Material Composite 118.12 144.44
Best Buy Best Sell
Waste 0.02 0.04