
Consumer Goods
Best Buy [SCU] Best Sell [SCU]
AcryliPlex Composite 0 0
Audio Visual Equipment 0 19214
Bioplastic 5520 7229
Carbon-Silk 7526 9166
Construction Materials 1784 2414
Diamond Laminate 74981 85050
DynaFlex 411 579
Kopion Horn 0 44000
Luminalia Gift Box 0 500000
Marok Gem 0 57500
Neograph 0 54778
Omnapoxy 1881 2655
Party Favors 0 12929
Red Festival Envelope 0 0
Ship Ammunition 0 12
Souvenirs 0 1049
Thermalfoam 2571 3369
Year of the Dog Envelope 0 0
Year of the Monkey Envelope 0 0
Year of the Pig 0 127500
Year of the Ram Envelope 0 0
Year of the Rooster Envelope 0 55000
Best Buy [SCU] Best Sell [SCU]
Agricium 1855 2641
Agricium (Ore) 0 1430
Aluminum 221 322
Aluminum (Ore) 0 66
Borase 0 3418
Borase (Ore) 0 1760
Carbon 19 26
Cobalt 8093 9848
Copper 301 10262
Copper (Ore) 0 308
Gold 4946 6329
Gold (Ore) 0 313
Iron 280 403
Iron (Ore) 0 172
Mercury 99 142
Riccite 0 19743
Silicon 147 218
Stileron 0 23988
Tin 29598 23822
Titanium 380 481
Titanium (Ore) 0 440
Tungsten 444 655
Tungsten (Ore) 0 209
Xa' Pyen 1944 2835
Agricultural Supply
Best Buy [SCU] Best Sell [SCU]
Agricultural Supplies 232 331
DCSR2 0 275
Ranta Dung 0 38319
Best Buy [SCU] Best Sell [SCU]
Altruciatoxin 3315 23100
Distilled Spirits 355 536
E'tam 7283 10982
Gasping Weevil Eggs 18952 22399
Maze 0 181700
Neon 0 8595
Osoian Hides 400000 440000
Revenant Tree Pollen 227 305
SLAM 0 22163
Stims 2052 3081
WiDow 5473 6934
Best Buy [SCU] Best Sell [SCU]
Amioshi Plague 0 10119
Degnous Root 0 22330
Golden Medmons 0 23023
Heart of the Woods 0 1751
Jumping Limes 0 0
Pitambu 0 22602
Prota 0 24150
Revenant Pods 0 1475
Sunset Berries 0 57519
Best Buy [SCU] Best Sell [SCU]
Ammonia 103 153
Argon 22 32
Astatine 1243 1827
Chlorine 285 399
Fluorine 238 330
Helium 164 251
Hydrogen 135 200
Iodine 35 46
Methane 1625 2414
Nitrogen 962 1585
Partillium 170488 209371
Pressurized Ice 605 24084
Best Buy [SCU] Best Sell [SCU]
Aphorite 0 172500
Beryl 2171 2773
Beryl (Raw) 0 231
Bexalite 5557 7287
Bexalite (Raw) 0 2200
Corundum 287 10654
Corundum (Raw) 0 138
Diamond 4577 5973
Diamond (Raw) 0 363
Dolivine 0 125839
Hadanite 0 437000
Hephaestanite 1894 2588
Hephaestanite (Raw) 0 792
Janalite 0 1386885
Laranite 2176 2829
Laranite (Raw) 0 1540
Potassium 77 106
Quantainium 0 25505
Quantainium (Raw) 0 4400
Quartz 295 398
Quartz (Raw) 0 77
Taranite 7751 9765
Taranite (Raw) 0 1760
Best Buy [SCU] Best Sell [SCU]
Atlasium 69909 67984
Dymantium 9391 12299
Steel 535 736
Best Buy [SCU] Best Sell [SCU]
Compboard 15359 18030
Scrap 1307 1871
Best Buy [SCU] Best Sell [SCU]
Fresh Food 17791 22034
Human Food Bars 394 527
Processed Food 288 394
Mixed Mining
Best Buy [SCU] Best Sell [SCU]
Inert Materials 0 2
Medical Supply
Best Buy [SCU] Best Sell [SCU]
Medical Supplies 2112 2923
Recycled Material Composite
Best Buy [SCU] Best Sell [SCU]
Recycled Material Composite 9000 11260
Best Buy [SCU] Best Sell [SCU]
Waste 9 33